H2marketing South Africa

Our company is in South Africa in a town called Durban and was established in 1994.We have established ourselves in the appliance wholesale industry not only as supplier but as trainer and installer of products like gas ovens and cooktops. We started looking for export opportunities due to the exchange rate of our Rand. We have been involved with exports of Eggs to Luanda, Plastic preforms, Wood lattace to Italy and we would like to futher expand our activities to other countries.

Basic Infomation

Company Name: H2marketing
Business Type: Agent
Product/Service(We Sell): Cement, building material, kitchen appliances, beverages, mineral water, sparkling water, energy drinks, eggs, coffee
Address: KznDurban138 Wellfreer Rd
Number of Employees: Less than 5 People
Company Website URL: http://www.h2marketing.co.za

Contact Us

  • Fax:27-31-4664558
  • Mobile:0824624479
  • Tel:27-31-4666663


KznDurban138 Wellfreer Rd Durban Kzn South Africa