Topview Technology Engineering Ltd Hong Kong

My company mainly trading business since 2000 year, we also are distributor and wholesaler and service fro worldwide. Our company mainly product range are health product, electronic consumer product, tea product, home surveillance, digital video recorder and camera product. (1) Dokudami tea, Ex, shampoo manufacture by Japan (2) lavender pillow can make you with a sweet sleep,100% made in Japan (3) Most popular MP3 & 4 made by china factory. (4) The best green tea bag produce from tea garden in china (5) Home surveillance, digital video recorder and camera product, my company is agancy that cooperate with taiwan famous factory.

Basic Infomation

Company Name: Topview Technology Engineering Ltd
Business Type: Distributor/Wholesaler
Product/Service(We Sell): Heatlh, tea, DVR
Address: Flat C2,10/F, Manning Ind Bldg,118 How Ming Street
Number of Employees: 5 - 10 People
Company Website URL:

Contact Us

  • Fax:852-22446066
  • Mobile:
  • Tel:852-27031535


Flat C2, 10 / F, Manning Ind Bldg, 118 How Ming Street Hong Kong