cv. diah corporation Indonesia

We can supply copra and areca nut, we can your order or how much you want contract, we can supply per days in 15 tons or much more, and we have a good copra and areca nut. We can send to you the example of copra or areca nut if you interest make partnership with us.

Basic Infomation

Company Name: cv. diah corporation
Business Type: Other
Product/Service(We Sell): Copra, areca nut.
Address: jl. PT. KKA Persero km. 4
Number of Employees: 11 - 50 People

Contact Us

  • Fax:62-0645-57457
  • Mobile:
  • Tel:62-0645-57457


Jl. B. Aceh - Medan No.20 Km.256 Lhokseumawe - Nad Aceh Indonesia