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Title: seventy lady love knitting cool flip flop host Wang Han was her nephew _xpy little friends _xpy Xiaopen Friends
Content: seventy lady love knitting cool flip flop host Wang Han was her nephew [orhis pair is for me Wang Han's nephew, this pair is for old neighbor ...... "Yesterday, when a reporter walked into the Suzhou Industrial Park, garden City Wangpei Hua aunt, they were living in rows of colorful flip flop attraces perfect, and now Wang aunt half a day can knit one pair of flip flop. Wang aunt introduced woven flip flop hand strength to use, most people knitting a pair of shoes tingling down the arm, but the 71-year-old Wang aunt that is not strenuous, thanks to her regular practice erhu, the Shoujin to practice out. Wang aunt knit so many pairs of flip flop, do not wear a few pairs of their own, are as a gift. "too popular, and relatives and friends are like, told me reservation. "This shoe both beautiful and practical, very comfortable to wear, do not wear three-changed appearance, it is not afraid of dirty water washed click on it." Have been brought friends and family all over the country, the farthest to Germany yet. "Wang aunt also quietly told reporters," I will give Hunan TV host Wang Han also ready two pairs of flip flop. He is my nephew. Let this mind busy man aunt nephew feel a bar. "

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