This is Nejat CAN. M. D. President of NMB LIMITED from Turkey. NMB LIMITED import and export trade company since 1998 from China and from Europe. Also NMB LIMITED is INFORMATION AND FOREIGN TRADE COMPANY from Turkey to China. Because I born in China and I speak Chinese very well. NMB LIMITED supply for your Chrome Ore, Manganese Ore, Olivine Ore, Bauxite Ore and other. Besides you can direct call me at the phone, I can speak Chinese. My mobile phone number is: 00 90 532 296 12 88 If you have any question, please do not hesitate for contact me. Best Regards.

Basic Infomation

Company Name: NMB LIMITED
Business Type: Manufacturer, Trading Company, Buying Office, Agent, Distributor/Wholesaler, Government ministry/Bureau/Commission
Product/Service(We Sell): Chrome ORE, # 430 Chrome-Nickel Scrap Stanless Steel, Bauxite Ore, Manganese Ore
Product/Service(We Buy): Chrome ORE, Manganese Ore
Address: Adalet Mahallesi Haydar Aliyev Caddesi No: 42 Daire: 6 Manavkuyu
Number of Employees: 11 - 50 People
Company Website URL: http://www.nmb.com.tr

Contact Us

  • Fax:90-232-4351670
  • Mobile:905322444943
  • Tel:90-232-4359777


Adalet Mahallesi Haydar Aliev Caddesi No: 42 Daire: 6 Manavkuyu-Karsiyaka-Izmir Izmir Turkey