Nourlack Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Nourlack Trading Company was found in 1999 with the purpose of importing pet film for electrical and motor insulation. Later on, the company decided to develop the business and go beyond this field. At first step, the other types of PET film came to focus. Later, due to a sharp increase for steel and iron in demestic markets the company started importing steel and iron. Nowadays, Nourlack, is one of the biggest companies importing pet film and its very competitive pricing makes it number one in the business

Basic Infomation

Company Name: Nourlack
Business Type: Trading Company
Product/Service(We Sell): Polyester Film In Different Thicknesses (PET Film) Iron-Steel
Address: Irantabriz17 Shahrivar
Number of Employees: 11 - 50 People
Company Website URL: http://

Contact Us

  • Fax:98-411-5538789
  • Mobile:98 914 415 06 86
  • Tel:98-914-9002380


Irantabriz17 Shahrivar Tabriz Iran Iran (Islamic Republic of)