Pioneer Trading Company United States

We track down great deals and offer the savings to whomever is interested. We also take requests to keep an eye out for particular items for people. We contantly scan for liquidations and auctions and buy volume or the item which happens to be available at a very low price. We don't focus on a particular industry, but just look for items that we feel are marketable and can be offered at a very low price. Either a huge lot of a bargain priced item. Or one or a few of a particular item that we have determined can be sold at a much higher price. Then we post it and see who bites and we look for prospective buyers. We solicite for leads of items people want to buy ONLY if it is a great deal. Current Examples (prices in US Dollars) : Used SEGA Derby Owners Club arcade games-World Edition 3000 + Coin-Operated Airport / Bus Terminal Luggage Lockers Contact for current list of items.

Basic Infomation

Company Name: Pioneer Trading Company
Business Type: Trading Company, Distributor/Wholesaler
Product/Service(We Sell): Coin-Op Lockers, Airport Lockers, Bus Terminal Lockers, Luggage Lockers, 35mm Cinema Projectors, Used Derby Owners Club Arcade Games
Product/Service(We Buy): Gym Equipment, Cafeteria Tables, Bowling Alley Lanes, Bowling Pinsetters, Bowling Ball Returns, Coin-Op Pool Tables
Address: 1100 1 / 2 McArthur Ave
Number of Employees: Less than 5 People
Company Website URL: http://


Factory Size:3,000-5,000 square meters  
Factory Location:Dayton, OH, 45408 USA and Toledo, IL 62468 USA and  
No. of QC Staff:Less than 5 People  

Contact Us

  • Fax:1-937-867-1649
  • Mobile:
  • Tel:1-937-867-2897


1100 1 / 2 McArthur Avenue Dayton Ohio United States