Rene Smerda Czech Republic

Let us introduce the Czech Glass Design Studio, which name indicates, that its main aim is to create and then to offer you charm, wonder, elegance and appeal of products created by Czech designers, glassblowers, jewelers and another artists, whose creativity, feelings, skills and secret technological methods have a long-lasting tradition which started to be developed lots of centuries ago. We will be happy, if you like some of the wonderful products exhibited on these Internet pages. Each of them is original and authentic. Czech Glass Design Studio is especially focused with it's production on the period of the Art Deco, Art Nouveau and Renaissance with a wide range of great Czech Artists. What is our basic wish? Satisfied customers who enjoy delicate charm, wonder and appeal of products created by skilled Czech artists. In case of any questions, suggestions or your individual wishes don't hesitate to contact us. If you would like to co-operate with us, contact us, please. We will give you detailed information about our products, prices, etc. We look forward to hearing from you.

Basic Infomation

Company Name: Rene Smerda
Business Type: Other
Product/Service(We Sell): Handblown glass, hand decorated glass, costume jewelry, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Renaissance.
Address: Svojsovicka 2836
Number of Employees: 5 - 10 People
Company Website URL:

Contact Us

  • Fax:420-2-72764096
  • Mobile:+420732311563
  • Tel:420-2-72764096


Svojsovicka 2836 Prague Czech Republic