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reach the fire point to implement the rescue, plastic factory manager watched the fire engulfed several decades of effort and not do anything. Loss is huge, extremely painful lesson, I hope other manufacturers of plastic bags produced by analogy, pay attention. Canton and plastic factory reports, custom plastic production QQ139 4475 729.0 && image.height> 0) {if (image.width> = 700) {this.width = 700; this.height = image.height * 700/image. width;}} "src =" mybag8/blog/upload/201312152119008452.jpg "alt =" "title =" "style =" padding: 4px; clear: both; float: none; "> 0 && image.height> 0 ) {if (image.width> = 700) {this.width = 700; this.height = image.height * 700/image.width;}} "src =" mybag8/blog/upload/201312152123136077.jpg "alt = "" title = "" style = "padding: 4px; clear: both; float: none; width: 520px; cursor: pointer;"> Tags: plastic bags printed plastic bags making plant



Source:combustible fire caused by the rapid expansion. Although the street is very narrow aisle but, fire difficult to



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