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We strive to constantly innovate and improve the world of automation parts supply, We connect people with parts no matter where they are in the world or how hard parts are to find,We have the greatest reach and connect people with parts when they need them all over the world.

Machines break and downtime can cost companies millions in lost revenue,our mission were to find quality obsolete, new and reconditioned parts to get industrial machines back up and running at the best price.

Whether it\'s service, speed or delivery, we always deliver more,find a way to get your machine back up and running as quickly and effectively as possible.

We are thought leaders in the world of automation manufacturing and drive conversation globally. No matter how complex your problem, our highly experienced team draw on years of industry knowledge to find the most effective solution.

Shenzhen Futongda Machinery Co.,ltd

Floor 5,A Block DaTang ShiDai ,Meilong Road 142, Longhua District,Shenzhen,China 518109 Tel: 86-755-23096358 Fax: 86-755-23096366 Mobile: +8618820435247 Country: China (Mainland)