Sell Sesame Seed Oil, Sesame Oil, Sesamum Indicum, Sufaid Till

Category: Nut & Seed Oil
Type: Sesame Oil

Product Name: Sesame Oil RefinedBotanical Name: Sesamum IndicumUrdu Name: Sufaid TillSesame Seed Oil is used as a cooking oil and natural skin moisturizer, a good source of vegetable protein, rich in lecithin, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It is also a good laxative. Other uses are for rheumatic conditions, eczema, psoriasis, or dry skin.Kindly checkout the website to see the specification and pic of oilsIf you have any enquiries regarding given oils above then do no hesitate to contact us.

Product Name: Sesame Oil Refined
Botanical Name: Sesamum Indicum
Urdu Name: Sufaid Till

  • Category:Nut & Seed Oil
  • Type:Sesame Oil