Amezcua Bio Disc

Quality Level: A
Product Type: Disk
A revolutionary natural energy generating device, the Amezcua Bio Disc is the product of technically-engineered natural minerals that have been structurally bonded in glass and are capable of producing scalar energy frequencies. This long-lasting natural scalar resonance has the ability to be transferred to and rejuvenate the molecular structures of all liquids.

natural scalar resonance has the ability to be transferred to and rejuvenate the molecular structures of all liquids.

  • Quality Level:A
  • Product Type:Disk
Bio Disc, Chi Pendent
Bio Disc, Chi Pendent

Model Number:made of class wellness 1. The Amezcua Bio Disc Is a natural energy generating device. The molecular structure extends the ...

D. A. T. A @ All Stars

Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc
Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc

Product Type:Tableware Type:Pewter Material:Metal Creates a positive energy field that enhances the taste of your food and beverages, enriched energy levels, the enhanced flavour ...

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Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc
Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc

Type:Pewter Material:Metal Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc Key Benefits Feel refreshed and rejuvenated. ...
