CPO, PKO and RBD Palm Oil

Type: Crude Palm Oil
Type: Palm Oil
Category: Wood Oil

The Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) is an Agro Indusrial Companycreated in 1947 as a public establishment to acquire, develop andoperate extensive plantations of tropical crops.
From itsplantation production, CDC processes and markets semi finished rubber,palm oil and banana. The rubber and banana are mainly exported whilethe palm oil is mostly consumed locally.
The Major problems thatconfronted the Corporation right from its inception were the lack ofLong term development finance. However through several self financingand loan schemes as well as government reform and reorganizationprojects, the corporation has continued to strive. The privatization ofthe Corporation announced at the end of 1993 / 94 financial yeareffectively started with the taking over of the Tea Department in 2002by Cameroon Tea Estates. While waiting for a follow up on the rest, thepresent management of the Corporation is sparing no efforts to managethe remaining Crop Groups and Service Departments as profitably aspossible.
As part of its initial objectives, CDC also provides alot of social and economic amenities to its workers and the public ingeneral such as medical care, housing, roads, sports and other adhocsupport to community development.
As at 1st January 2005 theCorporation had 43, 413 ha planted out to v3 major cash crops, out of atotal of 98, 000 Ha of land concessions from the Government and a workforce totaling 10, 000 including seasonal workers or workers on shortterm contracts.

The Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) is an Agro Indusrial Company created in 1947 as a public establishment to acquire, de

  • Type:Crude Palm Oil
  • Type:Palm Oil
  • Category:Wood Oil