Hard to find Electronic parts in Israel

Reserve Electronics is specializing in international supply of hard to find Electronic components, IC's and boards.

Fast delivery time, most competitive prices, brand new quality products, no limitations (MOQ Etc.).

Get quality products: any requested element and parts from all brands.

Best solution for manufacturers, maintaining providers and developers needs.


 Very fast delivery time, best prices and quality products are on our concern.

Join our major clients as Intel, Infineon, Motorola, Nortel, Comverse, M-Systems, Arrow Intl.

Our specialty is hard to find and allocated equipment. We deliver basically any boards, parts and IC's.

Reserve Electronics is specializing in international supply of Electronic components, IC's and boards.

Hard to Find & Obsolete Electronic Components
Hard to Find & Obsolete Electronic Components

If you need any electronic component now, and cannot find through normal distribution channels, I can find it! I specialize on hard to find, obsolete, end-of-life and long lead time components. I also source embedded computing boards and end-of-life circuit cards. ...

Genesis Solutions