United Trading South Korea

United Trading is not only trading but also sales and distributing company in Korea. Now UT is importing lots of food from China and we have our sales and distributing system. We hope we can make a exclusive agent or exclusive distribute contract with manafacturers. Otherwise we can supply Korean goods if somebody want to but in Korea. I hope anybody can contact with us and can make a successful opportunity.

Basic Infomation

Company Name: United Trading
Business Type: Trading Company, Agent, Distributor/Wholesaler
Product/Service(We Sell): Confectionary, Snack, Food, Agriculture
Product/Service(We Buy): Confectionary, Snack, Food, Agriculture
Address: Sangrok Usung Bunsansangka 201, Jungja, Bundang
Brands: Chungsoo
Number of Employees: 5 - 10 People
Company Website URL: http://

Contact Us

  • Fax:82-31-7116175
  • Mobile:82-10-20396346
  • Tel:82-31-7116135


Sangrok Usung Bunsansangka 201, Jungja, Bundang Sungnam Gyeonggi-Do South Korea